Kira McLean


#feelings #society #hope

I recently read the best thing I've come across in a while, Amy Newell's latest installment of Woe. She's been very open about her struggles with her own mind, and much of it resonates deeply.

Something I've struggled with a lot over the past couple of years is the increasingly terrible hellscape we've manufactured for ourselves to live in. It feels like things are only ever getting worse and, reinforced by a self-selected assortment of doomsday thought pieces, like our chance to fix it has passed and we're all pretty much fucked.


#standards #feelings

I often find myself frustrated that broken things still work. What's the point of having rules and standards and ways things should be if it doesn't matter whether they're followed? I'm starting to suspect that the answer is that there is no point, and all those rules only exist to give us the illusion of order and security, which in reality don't exist at all.